Common Weight Loss Myths

Here are some common weight loss myths:

Common Weight Loss Myths

1. Eating late at night packs on the pounds. Not true! Eating more calories than you burn packs on the pounds, it doesn’t matter what time of day you eat.  If this was true, why aren’t we feeding all the poor malnourished children late at night?

2. Running burns more calories than walking. Really, it depends. If you run for 10 minutes and walk for an hour, you will burn more calories walking. Most people, when starting an exercise routine, can walk much longer than they can run. Running will tire you out if you aren’t used to it. Walk and walk some more!

3. Low fat diets help you lose fat. Wrong! Just because something is low in fat doesn’t mean it’s low in calories or sugar. Some fats, like Omega-3, are actually good for you too!

4. Strength training will make me look big. Nope! Strength training helps build muscle and muscle burns fat. As long as you steer clear of the steroids, you will be fine!

5. Zero calorie soft drinks are better for you than regular soft drinks. No way! Diet sodas contain aspartame and aspartame, while debated, is bad for you. It’s also carbonated water and flavoring and it’s just not healthy. Drink water instead.

There are many other weight loss myths but these are by far, the top ones I’ve heard!

To Your Success!
Samantha Bush 

P.S. Try this weight loss challenge to help you reach your goals!

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